Saturday, October 4, 2008

What do you prefer?

At work do you pick up the phone every chance you get? Or do you email everything?

With the increase of technological communication choices, how do you use technology to your advantage?

At work I would much rather call a client and solve their issues for them immediately over the phone. There is great satisfaction when an issue can get complete right away. Plus, it gives me the opportunity to get to know my client better by creating small talk during the conversation. Emailing back and forth can be exhausting for me.

I have found that I am more energized when I can meet face to face with people or have an effective phone conversation. When I communicate with people who's backgrounds are culturally different from mine it is easier to understand their communication via phone than email. However, lots of scholarly writers argue that electronic communication is more effective and fruitful when communicating with various cultures.

Do you agree or disagree? Whats the best form of communication for you at work?

On a personal note, my close interpersonal communication continues at home too. When I get home I rarely watch television or surf the net because I prefer to be out and about meeting with friends and family. There is nothing more relaxing to me than to get off work: meet someone for dinner, study, workout, and go to bed. To me that is a perfect evening.

How do you prefer to communicate in your personal time? What is your idea of the perfect weekday evening?

Ess, C. & Sudweeks, F. (2006). Culture and Computer-Mediated Communication: Toward New Understandings. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11, 179-191.


Rachel Thomas said...

I hate talking on the phone! I'd rather sent an e-mail. Phone is way too personal and drawn out. I get caught on the phone and people are constantly giving me way more info than I need to do my job. I am very goal oriented and talking stands in the way when written communication is faster.

Charise said...

I prefer email as well. With many of my international customers, it is difficult to understand them on the phone. At least with email I can decipher their meaning! Plus, people can view the communication on their own time, which is important when dealing with large time differences.

Liz Highley said...


I agree with Rachel and Charise. I definitely prefer email over talking on the phone, at least when it comes to work. Email seems to be much faster and to-the-point, and I don't have to worry about interrupting someone when they may be focused on something else.
