Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mission = Motivation

In the song Right to Be Wrong by Joss Stone she discovers her mission to be everything that she can be in life. To lead by example and observation through being true to herself.

Listening to this song you can hear her passion and motivation to remove negativity from her life, and make powerful decisions that may be right or wrong, to reach a new level of self-actualization. Showcasing that when mission and motivation is a conscious behavior that is driven, a persons "internal needs and drives lead to tensions, which in turn result into actions" (Shah, 2007).

What missions have you recently created? What impact has those missions had on your life?

Shah, K. & Shah, P. (n.d.) Motivation. Retrieved July 10, 2007, from

Stone, J. Right to Be Wrong. Retrieved October 12, 2008, from


Emily said...

Woo hoo! Great utube link. I've not the slightest idea how to implement videos into my blog so good for you for being so techie.

Great song to illustrate the topic.

As for my motivation - I've recently decided to start re-inventing myself (again). My daughter graduates in two years so I gave myself two years to prepare myself for my next life (life without Buzzy).

Who will I be when she's in college? I don't know. I've worked hard to earn enough cash to contribute to her private school education and to expose her to the world via our family vacations. The last 17 years has been devoted to Buzzy. I've certainly done some fabulous things along the way but my primary focus has been Buzzy.

She'll get an academic or a track scholarship so I can afford a's time to work on a tremendous cause (even if that includes a paycut).

The MCM program, along with a few other projects, will prepare me for the next chapter "life without Buzzy."


James Lutz said...

Hey Cat,
I never thought much about Maslow until I started this class. And writing personal mission and vision statements are really making me think. I'm grateful that we're being forced to ask ourselves some really tough questions - like who we want to be and where are we going. With life going by so quickly, it is real easy to forget if we are still heading in the right direction. This class and your song are a reminder that we can still discover who we want to be.