Sunday, October 19, 2008

Making a Difference

Everyday Americans are waking up wondering how they can make a difference, and leave behind a legacy in this world. Who doesn’t want to have an everlasting positive impact?

When the opportunity arises to make a small commitment to a charity or purchase a green product, it sparks a feeling of self-actualization. This feeling invokes an automatic response of wanting to give more.

Typically, an individual begins visualizing contributions he or she could make on a grander scale. This process is highlighted in the Commitment Consistency Theory that states, "persuading people to comply with a small and seemingly harmless request greatly increases their likelihood of complying a with subsequent, larger request" (Vaidyanathan & Aggarwal, 2005, p. 232).

Have you ever joined a professional committee? While working on a small project for the committee you become inspired and begin redesigning the project, in order to make a larger impact on the community. This is the perfect example of starting off small with a harmless project that provokes thoughts and ideas on how to make the project bigger, better, different. In every community project I've worked on I have noticed that I always get back much more than what I put into it.

Are you a part of a professional committee? Which one? Have you been persuaded to take on more of a leadership role within that committee?

Are you interested in joining a professional organization, but not sure which one to join? Check out my team's myspace page! We have links to lots of professional organizations in Central Ohio.

If you like what you see add us to your friend list and post a comment while you are there. Feel free to forward this link to anyone looking to get Connected in Columbus!

Vaidyanathan, R. & Aggarwal, P. (2005). Using commitments to drive consistency: Enhancing the effectiveness of cause-related marketing communications. Journal of Marketing Communications, 11(4), 231-246.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mission = Motivation

In the song Right to Be Wrong by Joss Stone she discovers her mission to be everything that she can be in life. To lead by example and observation through being true to herself.

Listening to this song you can hear her passion and motivation to remove negativity from her life, and make powerful decisions that may be right or wrong, to reach a new level of self-actualization. Showcasing that when mission and motivation is a conscious behavior that is driven, a persons "internal needs and drives lead to tensions, which in turn result into actions" (Shah, 2007).

What missions have you recently created? What impact has those missions had on your life?

Shah, K. & Shah, P. (n.d.) Motivation. Retrieved July 10, 2007, from

Stone, J. Right to Be Wrong. Retrieved October 12, 2008, from

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What do you prefer?

At work do you pick up the phone every chance you get? Or do you email everything?

With the increase of technological communication choices, how do you use technology to your advantage?

At work I would much rather call a client and solve their issues for them immediately over the phone. There is great satisfaction when an issue can get complete right away. Plus, it gives me the opportunity to get to know my client better by creating small talk during the conversation. Emailing back and forth can be exhausting for me.

I have found that I am more energized when I can meet face to face with people or have an effective phone conversation. When I communicate with people who's backgrounds are culturally different from mine it is easier to understand their communication via phone than email. However, lots of scholarly writers argue that electronic communication is more effective and fruitful when communicating with various cultures.

Do you agree or disagree? Whats the best form of communication for you at work?

On a personal note, my close interpersonal communication continues at home too. When I get home I rarely watch television or surf the net because I prefer to be out and about meeting with friends and family. There is nothing more relaxing to me than to get off work: meet someone for dinner, study, workout, and go to bed. To me that is a perfect evening.

How do you prefer to communicate in your personal time? What is your idea of the perfect weekday evening?

Ess, C. & Sudweeks, F. (2006). Culture and Computer-Mediated Communication: Toward New Understandings. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11, 179-191.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dream, Compose, and Speak your desires into Existence

Recently, I read an article about the importance of goal setting. It was an interesting article with useful tips that anyone could utilize to develop personal life goals. The article stated that “following the steps below you would become an expert in building the road map to achieving your goals.”

  1. Make sure the goal you are working for is something you really want, not just something that sounds good
  2. A goal can not contradict any of your other goals
  3. Develop goals in the 6 areas of life
  4. Write your goal in the positive instead of the negative
  5. Write your goal out in complete details
  6. Make sure your goal is high enough
  7. Write down your goals

The 7 steps are very straight forward, and make it easy for anyone to create a plan for themselves. At the end of the article the author states that you “should not freely share your goals with others. In fear of receiving negative attitudes and feedback from friends, family, and neighbors that could drag you down.” Granted some people will not agree with your goals or will not believe you are capable of achieving them. However, conflicting ideas and perceptions should not stop you from sharing what you are up to in life.

Writing down your goals is very powerful, but if you do not share your goals with the important people in your life, who will be there to support you in achieving those goals?

I believe it is important to share your goals with people who truly love and support all your endeavors. The people who are enrolled in your goals will help you achieve them. Who knows what will happen when you share your goals. You may inspire someone else to set some goals for him or herself too. So, bravely create your road map to fulfill your goals, share your goals freely, withstand the resistance, and allow those who truly care support you.

Donohue, G. (n.d.). Goal setting: Powerful written goals in 7 easy steps! Retrieved July 10, 2007, from

Everyone Loves A Good Chick Flick

You can deny it all you like, but deep down inside Everyone Loves a Good Chick Flick. Personally, I love chick flicks! Just take a closer look at my profile and you will understand.

Yes, I completely get that there is a time and place for Action, Comedy, and Fantasy. If you think about it there is elements of all three of these basic movie genre's highlighted in
Every Great Chick Flick. For example, in the movie Across the Universe (my newest and most favorite movie) it is a love story about Jude, a poor boy from Liverpool, who meets Lucy, an upper class American teenager.

It "is a fictional love story set in the 1960s amid the turbulent years of anti-war protest, the struggle for free speech and civil rights, mind exploration and rock and roll." You automatically get a dose of action in the scenes examining the rioting in the streets and war during this time. The movie did a great job portraying how the 1960s impacted America's young adults.

Greatest part of this movie is that its a musical. All the songs are based on The Beatles songbook! I am a huge Beatles fan so I was automatically hooked. The director did an amazing job matching and translating the music into a script that was easy to follow and understand. This movie will touch the heart of everyone who sees it.

If you are looking for a chick flick that your friends will not make fun of you for. I would highly recommend this one because Everyone Loves a Good Chick Flick. If you have seen Across the Universe, please post your comments!